Haunted Happenings And Ghostly Going's On At Yorkshire's Baildon Hall 👻👀

It's the time of year where we all love to hear a spooky take or two and in the local area we have a number of spooky locations that are well known to hold plenty of history and legends of ghost's and spectral beings, Halloween season is upon us and as a local blogger I made it my business to delve into the past of lesser known haunted location Baildon Hall, a few nights ago on a cold Autumn Tuesday evening i met up with local historian Mark Nicholson, Bradford History and Hauntings founder Kelly Brosz and Bradford Through The Lens founder Riaz Ahmed and I had to bring my cousin Adam Peel along for the ride and to protect me or as we found out during the night it was the other way round. The fearless of us came together to delve deeper into the past of Baildon Hall and perform a paranormal investigation with the Hall's wall, I didn't know what to expect but let me just tell you we were in for a night of plenty of paranormal activity!

Baildon Hall located on the hills of Baildon ,now a Grade II listed building and a boozer, was originally constructed in the 16th century, The current structure largely dates from the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th century, where the house underwent significant rebuilding work, a fine manor house that  looked over Bradford and fields and cottages that adjoined it, which are now rebuilt over and long gone into the past.

The hall was originally built as a manor house where the De Roos Family, who lived until 1408, until the Baildon family took over the property.
The Baildons were a prominent influential family, known to have held significant land in the area.

From William de Baildon passed down the Baildon male bloodline until the 1650's where Francis Baildon lived there until his death in 1669, with his wife Jane and daughter Mary, the last of the Baildons.
Mary married Bradwardine Tindall of Brotherton, they also had a daughter Lucy who went onto marry Edward Thompson, the estate passed to on to them, but they didn't live there and the Manor house had various occupants after, including the Laycocks in 1780s, Micheal Walker and family, in 1808, John and Hannah Robinson who had many children, lived in the cottages.

The hall gradually descended into the use of a farmhouse, being sold in 1936 to builders Patchetts, who then sold it to The Baildon Hall Co Ltd, where it was intended to be turned into a Masonic Lodge, that never came off as WW2 started and then the Auxiliary Fire Service converted it into a Social Club in the 1940s, after the war it became a Gentlemen's Club and then a members social club, as it is today.
Baildon Hall is not just a historic building it is also home to a vast array of paranormal activity!

The incredibly haunted former manor house, has had many an occupants over the years, leaving a strong energy imprint on the old building.

From poltergeist activity to the appearance of apparitions , this place has seen it all!

Items have been thrown, and relocated around rooms, snooker balls rolled across the table when nobody has been there, one of the players, thought he had bumped into someone, turned to apologise and nobody was there!
Glasses have suddenly flown off tables, been turned upside down and trembled when sat still on ledge.
Light bulbs pop out of their sockets too!

There have been unexplained footsteps, such as one member who had opened up the hall to do some decorating, heard loud footsteps ascendimg the stairs, yet he was alone in the building, with the hairs stood up on his head, he very swiftly locked up and left!!

On the staircase, people have been touched or tapped, and even worse tripped, yet they are alone nobody around or to be seen.

A lady in white, dressed as a maid, was this the maid that was pushed down the stairs? A Ghostly apparition of a monk have both been reportedly seen here, aswell as a male ghost sitting on a chair in the office wearing an item of red clothing.

Going into the investigation I didn't really know what to feel, I am very open minded having had a few paranormal unexplained events in my time things that I can't explain, I went into the hall open minded, within 20 minutes of the investigation starting occurrences started happening, we gathered on the famous haunted stair case which as reported phenomena and the temperature dropped without explanation, Kelly went onto set up her contraptions a teddy which can only light up if touched and 2 sensor balls which can only once again be set off if touched, we all moved well away and within seconds of calling out the teddy and balls were flashing at a vigorous speed it was like nothing I had ever seen before, not one of us were anywhere near to touch and Riaz who stood in the middle of the steps felt a presence brush last him which set the the ball flashing on the stairs, by now the temperature had dropped further and it was apparent we had visitors.

We then decided to move into the room adjacent just at the top of the stair case that's when things took another spooky turn, the five of us made a circle and put the devices in the middle, Kelly also brought out a light sensor which again can only be triggered if walked past, again we were all well away and couldn't trigger, as a group we decided to turn off the light to set the scene and lone behold minutes later the lights on the teddy and balls started flashing, the sensor light flashing, myself and Kelly could see a figure stood over Adam who was opposite and mark felt the temperature drop around him, we rest the devices and proceed to ask the spectral beings questions by this point we heard tapping and I felt a presence behind me, looking back I could see a shadow sat on the chair at the side of the motion sensor which then moved and triggered the sensor and went and stood beside Mark who then once again reported feeling like someone was behind him and the temperature had dropped, I then felt an unexplained tap on my shoulder pull of my hair a feeling of unease and a slight stroke on my hand, how could all this be explained?, it's wierd I didn't feel scared I was intrigued in a way that I felt peaceful, I don't think the spirits in the room were there to harm they had just came out to play and cause some Tuesday night mischief.

To gain more clarification of the goings on Kelly went onto set up a voice box in which the energy's other than our own could talk back when asked questions and all questions we asked we got relevant answers back, with names, dates, how the spirits were feeling and how they passed, frankly how can you explain these things going on directly in front of our own eyes, we had clarification we had been joined by a Soldier, a monk and children at various points throughout the evening, Believe what you wish to believe but like I say how can you explain the unknown, by the end of the evening we were all shook wondering and trying to explain what we had seen and heard, after the investigation we sat down as a team and had a look back at photographs taken and Kelly had picked up a mist at the side of the sensor when triggered, once again all unexplained, whatever spirit energy resides within Baildon Hall have a tale to tell and last night we just got a slight look into the ghostly unexplained goings on. 

It's clear to see that Baildon Hall as plenty of active paranormal activity going on between it's walls with plenty of stories to tell, the history behind the Hall is vast and the perfect lesser known haunted Yorkshire location, it's an evening I won't forget in a hurry.

Over the next few weeks there will be live footage on Kelly's page which you can join over on Facebook 'Bradford History and Hauntings and you can watch over on The Bradford Through The Lens YouTube page, keep your eyes peeled.


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